Monday, February 4, 2013


I sit on my office, and I can just glimpse the snow falling on the road. It's the pretty kind of snow, the stuff that won't stick and doesn't get too deep. Perfect for watching through a window. I wonder if Grizz and Langly are at home watching it.

We missed a couples night out with them Saturday  as both were sick with the flu. Langly's voice was so rough I thought I'd called my boyfriend by mistake. The two of them usually take good care of themselves. If they're still sick Wednesday, we'll miss our usual couple's night.

Wednesdays, Bahamute and I always head over to their house. We bring a dessert or cook dinner, watch The Daily Show, and play Mice and Mystics. Grizz and I gab about the Nostalgia Critic and the latest Horror movies while Langly and Bahamute talk games and PC issues. When we get really crazy we break out a bottle of wine or some Woodchuck hard cinder. A good time is had by all.

It's one of the best days off the week. If we weren't in a show opening 2/15 (EEK!) I'd barge over there with hot soup and tea. Bahamute is the star, though, and can't afford to lose his voice. I'm the closest thing to his understudy, and a female Dr. Frederick Fronkensteen isn't going to cut it.

So I sit. And it snows. And I worry. 

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