Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Daily Huff: Old News edition

Well, there’s a regular pleathora from the huff. First, we have a city employee calling her friend gay while testing an email. What a classy broad. Offended by that? Yeah. Me too. At least she was “reprimanded quickly”. The employee claimed they meant gay in the old-timey happy way. Sure.

Next on the docket, a youtube video “Rated T For Tolerance”, the most misnamed movie since The Neverending Story. A teenager raps (badly) about how being gay will get you sent to hell, that it’s a choice, and not to believe the media. It breaks my heart to see a fellow Christian so misled. Jesus taught Love. God is LOVE. Why can’t people understand this?

Chris Sprouse, Superman artist, is leaving the company since noted anti-gay author Orson Scott Card is coming on to write a story. I’m a Marvel Girl myself, but c’mon DC. Get with the times. At least they’re not condemming Sprouse for leaving. Granted, they’re not dropping Card either…

Right in my backyard, a lesbian couple’s fight for adoption rights has become a fight for marriage rights. Sadly, my state has had a ban since 2004. This however, could be the turning point. My future brother in law is only not married to his boyfriend because of this ban. It would lift my heart to see it overturned.

A florist is refusing to do her long-time customer’s wedding due to “Her relationship with Jesus.” What hurts is that this wasn’t some random florist. This was a woman the couple had been buying from for years: they considered her a friend. This is the worst kind of bigot: the kind that refuses to see what is right in front of them. Oh, but she’ll take their money, no problem.

Religion gets no better when a gay youth is exorcized by his parents. When will people learn THIS CRAP DOES NOT WORK? It’s the year two thousand and FRIGGAN THIRTEEN! Why not grab some leeches and suck it out? Or is sucking to queer for you?!

To end on a high note, Mexico gets a gold star for declaring anti-GLBT speech not protected speech. As a patriot, I’ll disagree with you, but you still have the right to your speech. As a supporter of peace and love: YAY! Bueno!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


One of the first 13 has become the 11th to legalize gay marriage. Let's keep the love train going!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It's not only okay to be Takei, it's great!

Well, the Huffington Post comes through once again and posted a hilarious anti-bigorty PSA filmed by George Takei and It's called 'Gays Beware', and it is fab. Takei narrates over black and white footage of a gay couple dealing with the neighborhood bigot. But they win him over in the end, with kindness and continued efforts. It's actually a little heartwarming.

So, until I can figure out how to post it here, enjoy this older but no less awesome Takei video.