Wednesday, October 16, 2013


We might be getting a decision about the Gay Marriage ban in Michigan TODAY. I'm on the edge of my seat. Oakland County, where I live, is one of the counties that will IMMEDIATELY begin issuing marriage licences. YAY!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pat Robertson: WTF

Why the HELL is Pat Robertson still on TV? Why is this senile hatemonger even allowed to SPEAK?

In his latest tirade, he says gays will cut your finger to give you aids.

Let that sink in. Let that idea and the sheer insanity of it wash over you. Don't fight it.

This man claims to be a man of God and represent my faith to the world at large. I wouldn't be able to share a ROOM with him let alone a church. If there's a SLIVER of doubt in you that he's gone completely insane, take a look at these bon mots:

It is the Democratic Congress, the liberal-biased media and the homosexuals who want to destroy all Christians.''

"I would warn Orlando that you're right in the way of some serious hurricanes, and I don't think I'd be waving those flags in God's face if I were you ... It'll bring about terrorist bombs; it'll bring earthquakes, tornadoes, and possibly a meteor."

"The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

God, please, take this man home or at LEAST give him a sore throat. Amen.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

June 26th 2013, 10 AM

Written in real time, that fateful morning in June when the Prop 8 and DOMA decisions came down.

Here I sit, working (yes, I can blog and work at the same time. Thank you hold music!) trying not to think about the SCOUTUS decisions due to come down in 45 minutes. Then, for the first time in my life, I might see the government do what it’s supposed to: work for the people.

I’m terrified.
My future brothers in law are gay, living together in a home they bought almost two years ago, and some of my best friends. We’ve discussed this day and when it might come since Bahamute’s brother Grizz came out of the closet years ago. His boyfriend is the closest thing I’ll ever have to a sister in law, I like to joke. The idea that they could be legally married is beyond anything.

It shouldn’t have to be. It should be a normal thing. 

But there’s the other side of the coin: what if Prop 8 and DOMA are both upheld? What if the highest court in the land votes AGAINTS civil rights? What the hell do we do then? There is a judge in Michigan LITERALLY waiting to decide a lesbian couple’s marriage and adoption case based on what SCOTUS does. The law could be changed in Michigan before the summer is out!

Forty minutes.

Plans. I need plans. I’m at work. What am I supposed to do? Take the day off in protest if things go awry? Get drunk at lunch to celebrate?

I’ll be seeing Grizz tonight. Futurama night, every Wednesday for the next few weeks. What the hell do I say if it goes wrong? Sorry, but hey, Bahamute and I are still getting married next year, so buck up Best Man?


God, please let these men and women be true. Let them know you well enough to know you do not hate, that you created Gay, Straight and everything in between.  Let them do the right thing. Amen.

The Daily Show will be interesting tonight, no matter what. John Oliver will handle it deftly and hilariously.

I need to try and pay attention to my phone call. How the hell can I? 

Thirty minutes.

I’ll disable the internet for a while. I can’t watch the feed and jump every time I hit refresh. There’s an apple I need to eat. That’ll take a few minutes. Trying to lose weight for the plethora of straight weddings coming up, including mine. Mmm, apple. Grizz works in the produce department of Kroger. Wonder if he’s at work today. I know his boyfriend is. Oakland University, where we both went to school. We had a class together, even. Now he works at the library and I work at a shady but effective law firm. 

What was the date civil rights were granted to African Americans? Is that a federal holiday? Someday will this be? Or will it be another footnote in history? A Brown VS. Board of Education for my generation?

What is Bahamute doing? Catching some zzzs after dropping me at work? Does he even know about the SCOTUS stuff? He doesn’t follow the news generally, aside from occasional Daily Show and Colbert Report. I don’t want to call him yet. He needs sleep.

Twenty five minutes.

Got a call from a wedding photographer a while ago. I’m gonna have a friend do it. She’s amazing. Her husband is amazing too, trying to get Bahamute a job that isn’t Game Stop. Young, veterans, and amazing actors. What are they doing right now? We’re supposed to hang out soon. What will they say about a government that has already failed them in so many ways if it succeeds or fails?

My apple is sour sweet when I burp. I can’t go home if my stomach quails. Too much of that lately.

In theater, there really are a higher percentage of gay people. Not all of us, like everyone thinks, but probably one out of every three or four guys. I’m in RENT right now. So, there’s a few I’ll be seeing Saturday. All great kids.

Twenty minutes.

I can’t eat. Water fresh from the Bobble, that’s the ticket. I’m out of Altoids, no calming mint for my stomach. Natural remedies, mm-mm.

Gotta make some more calls. Gotta manage my assistant. We talk about loans and doomed clients. Our Lawyer boss Mr. McQueen (not his real name), isn’t in yet, so we’re actually getting work done. Enjoy it while it lasts, current me. It’ll go sour soon enough. God, I hope that’s not prophetic.

Fifteen minutes.

A Clashof Kings sits in my desk. Normally I’d be flipping through it while on hold, engrossed in the world of the Starks and the Stupid Lannisters (except Tyrion. He’s epic). I couldn’t concentrate now. 

Gonna have to turn the internet on soon, which means I’ll have to stop writing. I don’t want my bosses catching me writing while I work. Flash drive comes out, internet comes back on, that’s the rule. Go me for figuring that out.

I feel sick. 

I’d like to get to a thousand words by the five minute mark. I’m a smidge OCD that way. So, gotta hurry up and finish this. In the future, years from now, I’ll look back on this. Will I see myself as worried over nothing? “Of course it got passed! What were you, stupid?” Or will I still be waiting for justice and love to win?

Ten minutes. Just under one hundred words to go.

In five I’ll wrap this up. I can’t stand it any longer than that.

Stumped at seventy five words. What great thought, what poignant bon mot can I leave for the future? What more can I say?

I’m terrified. I feel sick. I want to go home and hug my fiancée, be near Grizz, know that everything is going to be okay.

I miss my Dad. He never cared if you were gay or straight as long as you were nice to his daughter. 

Three words. 

Please, God. Please?

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Daily Huff: Old News edition

Well, there’s a regular pleathora from the huff. First, we have a city employee calling her friend gay while testing an email. What a classy broad. Offended by that? Yeah. Me too. At least she was “reprimanded quickly”. The employee claimed they meant gay in the old-timey happy way. Sure.

Next on the docket, a youtube video “Rated T For Tolerance”, the most misnamed movie since The Neverending Story. A teenager raps (badly) about how being gay will get you sent to hell, that it’s a choice, and not to believe the media. It breaks my heart to see a fellow Christian so misled. Jesus taught Love. God is LOVE. Why can’t people understand this?

Chris Sprouse, Superman artist, is leaving the company since noted anti-gay author Orson Scott Card is coming on to write a story. I’m a Marvel Girl myself, but c’mon DC. Get with the times. At least they’re not condemming Sprouse for leaving. Granted, they’re not dropping Card either…

Right in my backyard, a lesbian couple’s fight for adoption rights has become a fight for marriage rights. Sadly, my state has had a ban since 2004. This however, could be the turning point. My future brother in law is only not married to his boyfriend because of this ban. It would lift my heart to see it overturned.

A florist is refusing to do her long-time customer’s wedding due to “Her relationship with Jesus.” What hurts is that this wasn’t some random florist. This was a woman the couple had been buying from for years: they considered her a friend. This is the worst kind of bigot: the kind that refuses to see what is right in front of them. Oh, but she’ll take their money, no problem.

Religion gets no better when a gay youth is exorcized by his parents. When will people learn THIS CRAP DOES NOT WORK? It’s the year two thousand and FRIGGAN THIRTEEN! Why not grab some leeches and suck it out? Or is sucking to queer for you?!

To end on a high note, Mexico gets a gold star for declaring anti-GLBT speech not protected speech. As a patriot, I’ll disagree with you, but you still have the right to your speech. As a supporter of peace and love: YAY! Bueno!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


One of the first 13 has become the 11th to legalize gay marriage. Let's keep the love train going!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

It's not only okay to be Takei, it's great!

Well, the Huffington Post comes through once again and posted a hilarious anti-bigorty PSA filmed by George Takei and It's called 'Gays Beware', and it is fab. Takei narrates over black and white footage of a gay couple dealing with the neighborhood bigot. But they win him over in the end, with kindness and continued efforts. It's actually a little heartwarming.

So, until I can figure out how to post it here, enjoy this older but no less awesome Takei video.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy happy Joy joy

If I was in a worse mood, I’d rant about how my gay friends could encounter difficulty this Valentine’s day expressing their love in public.

But Bahamute just surprised me with chocolates. So, I’m in a pretty good mood. All I’ll say is Happy Valentine’s day, one and all. May you be free to love the one you choose.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Daily Huff: School Edition

The day after the historic announcement made by the Pentagon opening the door (a crack) for same sex couples, we're right back in the soup.

Another high school Teacher(My information was incorrect. It's just a coalition of students and one teacher. The Official prom acepts GLBT couples) is fighting to keep the prom 'Traditional, aka no homos, bro.' While Indiana isn't known for being a 'liberal' state, this is just sickening.Students and A SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER,  Diana Medley, are fighting for a separate prom, no gays allowed.

Says the teacher helping fight for anti-LGBT rights "No, I honestly don't [think gay people have a purpose in life]. Sorry, but I don't ... A gay person isn't going to come up and make some change unless it's to realize that it was a choice and they're choosing God." This person is a TEACHER of children with learning disabilities. Someone those LGBT students see every day. A person who LITERALLY GRADES THEM. There is no therapy for this kind of hatred. To be told by the adults in your life that you have no purpose? How can a person handle that, especially during the teen years AND when they're already special ed?

My favorite LGBT pro blogger, Dan Savage, had this to say: "The anti-gay haters at Sullivan High have a facebook page: 2013 Sullivan Traditional Prom [It has since been removed]. One of the organizers of this hate group would like us to know that "this is not a hate group." 2013 Sullivan Traditional Prom is just a group that has been organized with the sole purpose of creating an alternate prom that excludes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students and to achieve that end the group's members are calling LGBT kids "offensive," sick, and sinful. What's hateful about that? Besides, you know, everything?"

The SUPPORTIVE facebook page, Support the Sullivan High School Prom for All Students is still up and over 17k likes strong.I urge you, Like this page, spread the word.  I think Dan said it better than I ever could:

 We're out here, kids.  And we're sorry you're going through this shit.

UPDATE: I jsuet emailed Ms. Medly this message

God does not condone hate. He makes no mistakes. Gay people do not chose to be gay any more than people chose to be straight. It is genetic. God is the only one who defines our sexuality. He made us all. And to tell people that you're being a bigot on God's behalf is worse than shameful: it is a sin, just ask killing is His name is still murder.

I urge you: reach out to pro-gay Christians. Learn from them. There is a mountain of Biblical evidence supporting God's love and acceptance for all people. To believe anything else is blasphemy.

Seek love, not hate. It's what Jesus would do.

Shayna Lax

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Daily Huff: Government edition

A small town in Ohio is losing its homophobic mayor.  78 year old Mary McAngus submitted her resignation after complaints about calling Officer Kyle Calendine ‘Queer’. She also reportedly said “I don’t like a Queer working for the village [of Pomeroy].” The village Police Chief Mark Proffitt told her that such remarks could open them to a lawsuit.

I don’t know how to feel about this report. On the one hand, a discriminatory leader was removed from power. On the other hand, the removal probably had more to do with money and its potential loss rather than action on behalf of civil rights. There is no apology hinted at for  Office Calendine.   We’ll just have to hope the village he serves doesn’t turn on him for ‘losing their mayor.’

On a much happier note, another step down the long path to civil rights has been taken.  ThePentagon has announced it will extend certain rights to same-sex couples andtheir families serving in the military. According to the Huff, “. The benefits include commissary privileges, access to family support initiatives and joint duty assignments.” Defense Secretary Leon Panetta is responsible for this.

God bless him.

Said Panetta “It is a matter of fundamental equity that we provide similar benefits to all of those men and women in uniform who serve their country.”


This is not the end of the road by any means. Homosexual couples in the military still can’t get burial rights at national cemeteries, on-base housing or certain travel expenses for spouses, due to DOMA and its definition of what makes a spouse. This is part of a bigger struggle. But there’s no shame in the joy of small victories. Every step takes us a little closer to the future.

It is coming. And we will be there to see it.