Tuesday, October 11, 2011

In Michigan, you could be fired for being gay--Help do something about it!

I just received this message from the Equality Michigan Action Network.

If your boss thinks you are gay you could actually lose your job. We know that sounds impossible but in Michigan it's the law. Civil rights laws protect us from many forms of discrimination — based on your race, gender, religion, age, sex, weight or marital status — but not if you are gay or transgender.
What's worse? Just last week, Representative Tom McMillin (R - Rochester Hills) introduced a bill that would outlaw Michigan cities from implementing nondiscrimination policies that are better than the outdated state law, as 15 cities already have.
Please tell Michigan House Speaker Jase Bolger that we shouldn't have to change ourselves, he should change the law.
That’s why a coalition of civil rights organizations and everyday Michiganders are coming together to launch a campaign to change the law. We need to protect all Michigan jobs by ending discrimination, of any kind.
Thanks for stepping up,
Denise Brogan-Kator and the Unity Michigan Coalition

Please, if you live in Michigan, help us to send this important message!

Beautiful National Coming Out Day video

Happy National Coming Out Day!

It's the day for LGBT, straight supporters, and anyone else who wants to help the cause to unite!  Come out of the closet: we're waiting with open arms. 

For information about the history of NCO day, check this out.

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