Sunday, November 27, 2011

Another celebrity, another foot in mouth

Rapper T.I. has recently made a comment that...well, read it for yourself.

"Man, I will say this, the funniest joke I ever heard Tracy [Morgan] say during a stand-up was, 'C'mon man, I think gay people are too sensitive. If you can take a dick, you can take a joke.' [Cracks up laughing.] That shit was funny to me. And it’s kind of true." While T.I. makes clear that he supports anyone’s sexual preference, he then connects, in his opinion, a current oversensitivity among gay people with a consequential and ironic offense of the First Amendment. "They’re like, 'If you have an opinion against us, we're gonna shut you down.' ... That's not American. If you're gay you should have the right to be gay in peace, and if you're against it you should have the right to be against it in peace."

Free speech does not equal hate speech, which is what anti-gay rhetoric is.  Yes, as an American, you have the right to say it.  But we have just as much right to fight back.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Archie's Gay Wedding.

Kevin Keller, the first openly gay character in Archie comics, is set for an interracial Gay marriage. The character is set to get his own miniseries as well.  I used to read Archie a lot as a kid, so this is kinda cool. 
If you need a pick-me-up, this site is amazing.


An adorable pic of Neil Patrick Harris (Hook), his partner David Burtka (Peter Pan), and their children Gideon Scott (Smee) and Harper Grace (Tinkerbell). Halloween 2010.  Best. Dads. Ever!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Bloody outrage

I donate blood.  A lot.  Pretty much as much as I can, every sixty days or so.  Today was one of those days.  I'm O+, the most common blood type.  I'm the only person I know who donates on a regular basis.  One of my friends is interested in donation, but there's a small problem.

He's gay.  In the US, the current guidance from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is to permanently defer any male donor who has had sex with another man, in the period from 1977 to the present day.

He doesn't have any diseases that would disqualify him.  Neither does his boyfriend.  They've been in a committed monogamous relationship for several years now.  The blanket ban still keeps them from donating.  At a time when blood supplies are so low (they've never been too high, to be certain) it no longer makes sense to exclude gay men.  Lesbians are NOT prohibited, by the way, as the questionarire specifies having sex with another man who's had sex with another man.

The UK recently lifted their ban on gay men donating--sort of. The USA needs to follow suit. Granted, we're not the only country with this ban, but since I live here, frankly, I want to get it done here first.  

Some progress has been made. In April 2010, the New York City Council passed a resolution calling on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to eliminate the ban stating "This ban was based on prejudice, a knee-jerk reaction, and misunderstandings about the HIV/AIDS disease. Given the constant need for blood, it does not make common sense to prohibit donations from an entire population." And on August 19, 2009, the Assembly Judiciary Committee in California passed AJR13, the U.S. Blood Donor Nondiscrimination Resolution, calling upon the FDA to end the MSM blood ban. Lastly, on June 1, 2010, the Washington, DC City Council passed a resolution calling on the FDA to "reverse the lifetime deferment of blood donations by men who have had sex with men since 1977 in favor of a policy that protects the safety and integrity of the blood supply that is based on an up-to-date scientific criteria."

As is sit here, my arm bandaged in bright red, I cannot help but think of all the lives lost because the blood simply wasn't there.  Limiting donations for any reason except medialc ones is an outrage, and a disgrace.All blood donated is tested for HIV, so prohibiting gay men from donation on that basis makes no sense. It's a slap in the face for the gay community, and it costs lives. 

I want to urge people NOT to boycott the Red Cross Blood drives because of this. Lives are at stake.  Instead, donate frequently.  Make a difference from the inside: as a donator, your opinions on the process will be all the more valid.  If donators themselves speak up, write letters, and  sign petitions, as I have done, change CAN be achieved.  

For now, I'm taking it easy and marking on the calendar when I can donate again. Visit to see how you can make a difference.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

International Transgender Day of Remembrance, Nov. 20th

The 13th annual International Transgender Day of Remembrance is tomorrow. It's a day to remember those who's lives were tragically cut short because of anti-transgender hatred and prejudice. The event is held in November to honor Rita Hester, who was murdered in November of 1998. It's observed in over 20 countries. This is a list of those killed in the past year. Please, if you're religious, take time to remember these people and their families in your prayers.

It Gets Better: Chris Armstrong Announces Scholarship for Victims of Bullying at University of Michigan

Something good happening in my state. FINALLY! This is the guy who last year was bullied by Michigan's former Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shrivell.  U of M supported him during this terrible event. Now, U of M has a scholarship in his name. Finally, action, not just words.  Go U of M!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Transgender Teen Found Burned to Death on Detroit Highway

The sixth GLBT person to be burned alive in as many weeks was found, I'm incredibly ashamed and saddened to say, in my home state, close to where I live and work.  Shelley 'Treasure' Hilliard, born Henry Hilliard jr. was found, burned and discarded on the side of a busy highway. She was only 19 years old. 

Brandon Washington and David Blair doused a sleeping gay 'Friend' with alcohol and set him on fireSteven Iorio, the 'Friend' in question, survived, but as of now, the two have not been arrested.  They will be getting a summons in the mail, though

Stuart Walker, a gay man in Scotland, was burned to death and left on the side of the road. Before he was burned, he was beaten, and possibly sodomized. He was 28 years old, and a barman.  More than 1000 people came to his funeral to morn the loss.  This man was loved. Ryan Esquierdo, 18, has been charged with Stuart's murder.  

Two more men were set on fire AT A GAY BAR in England. Both men survived, but police don't think it's a hate crime. 

What the hell is happening in the world?!  I am TERRIFIED for my GLBT friends now more than ever.  We're supposed to be moving forwards. DADT is gone!  NY legalized gay marriage!  Movements are mobilizing all over the country to give GLBT citizens the rights they deserve.

I've heard it said that burning is becoming the GLBT equivalent of lynching.  I pray to God this trend stops immediately.  Please, if you know anyone who is homophobic, talk to them.  The hate needs to end.

Right now, all I want to do is go hug my future brother-in-law and his boyfriend, both of whom are close friends, and family no matter what the laws in Michigan say.

I got most of my information from, by the way. Great site.

Friday, November 11, 2011

This just in: Michigan House Passes Anti-Bullying Bill In Compromise With Senate 'Matt's Safe School Law'

Yes, it's been a while.

Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm in a play, and we've had rehursals almost every night. But there's been plenty of stuff going on. The licence to bully bill is making our state look like a joke.  Brett Rattner made homophobic remarks and had to step down from producing the Oscars (Eddie Murphy stepping down as host shortly after).

But good things happened too: today is the first veterans day since DADT was repealed. Massachusetts elected the nation's youngest gay mayor. And, of course, the advancing of the repeal of DOMA in the senate.

My new source for gay news (aside from my one-day brother in law, God willing):