Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Daily Huff: School Edition

The day after the historic announcement made by the Pentagon opening the door (a crack) for same sex couples, we're right back in the soup.

Another high school Teacher(My information was incorrect. It's just a coalition of students and one teacher. The Official prom acepts GLBT couples) is fighting to keep the prom 'Traditional, aka no homos, bro.' While Indiana isn't known for being a 'liberal' state, this is just sickening.Students and A SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER,  Diana Medley, are fighting for a separate prom, no gays allowed.

Says the teacher helping fight for anti-LGBT rights "No, I honestly don't [think gay people have a purpose in life]. Sorry, but I don't ... A gay person isn't going to come up and make some change unless it's to realize that it was a choice and they're choosing God." This person is a TEACHER of children with learning disabilities. Someone those LGBT students see every day. A person who LITERALLY GRADES THEM. There is no therapy for this kind of hatred. To be told by the adults in your life that you have no purpose? How can a person handle that, especially during the teen years AND when they're already special ed?

My favorite LGBT pro blogger, Dan Savage, had this to say: "The anti-gay haters at Sullivan High have a facebook page: 2013 Sullivan Traditional Prom [It has since been removed]. One of the organizers of this hate group would like us to know that "this is not a hate group." 2013 Sullivan Traditional Prom is just a group that has been organized with the sole purpose of creating an alternate prom that excludes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students and to achieve that end the group's members are calling LGBT kids "offensive," sick, and sinful. What's hateful about that? Besides, you know, everything?"

The SUPPORTIVE facebook page, Support the Sullivan High School Prom for All Students is still up and over 17k likes strong.I urge you, Like this page, spread the word.  I think Dan said it better than I ever could:

 We're out here, kids.  And we're sorry you're going through this shit.

UPDATE: I jsuet emailed Ms. Medly this message

God does not condone hate. He makes no mistakes. Gay people do not chose to be gay any more than people chose to be straight. It is genetic. God is the only one who defines our sexuality. He made us all. And to tell people that you're being a bigot on God's behalf is worse than shameful: it is a sin, just ask killing is His name is still murder.

I urge you: reach out to pro-gay Christians. Learn from them. There is a mountain of Biblical evidence supporting God's love and acceptance for all people. To believe anything else is blasphemy.

Seek love, not hate. It's what Jesus would do.

Shayna Lax

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